Italian Language Notes

Questions often start with a question word.

Perché sei qui?
Why are you here?
Dove ci incontriamo?
Where shall we meet?
Quando siete aperti?
When are you open?
Cosa mangia?
What are you eating?
Come stai?
How are you?

In a sentence without a question word, you ask a question simply by altering the tone of your voice so that it sounds like a question.

Questa è mia figlia.
This is my daughter.
Questo è l'ufficio turistico?
Is this the tourist office?

You will often hear vero? at the end of a question. It corresponds to English question endings such as "isn't it? aren't we? don't they?"

Che bella giornata, vero?
It's a lovely day, isn't it?


a, da, di, in, su + il, la, lo...

The words for "the" combine with a "at/to", da "from", di "of", in "in" and su "on".

alle due
at two
dalle nove alle diciannove
from nine am to seven pm
andare sul mare
going out on the sea

il lo l’ la i gli le
a al allo all’ alla ai agli alle
da dal dallo dall’ dalla dai dagli dalle
di del dello dell’ della dei degli delle
in nel nello nell’ nella nei negli nelle
su sul sullo sull’ sulla sui sugli sulle

il, lo, l', la, i, gli, le

il, lo, l', la, i, gli, le are all words for "the".

In the singular...

il is used with masculine words beginning with most consonants:

il sole
the sun
il centro
the centre

lo with masculine words beginning with z or s + consonant:

lo zucchero
the sugar
lo sport
the sport

l' with masculine and feminine words beginning with a vowel

l'ufficio turistico
the tourist office
the water

la with feminine words beginning with a consonant

la figlia
la spiaggia

In the plural (ie more than one)...

i is used with masculine words beginning with most consonants:

i negozi
the shops
i vini
the wines

gli with masculine words beginning with a vowel or with z or s + consonant:

gli uffici
the offices
gli alberghi
the hotels

le with all feminine words

le vetrine
the shop windows
le aranciate
the orange drinks

Talk Italian TV series

The transcripts below correspond to the six programmes in the Talk Italian TV series, which is occasionally repeated on BBC Learning Zone. They are available in Rich Text format (rtf). You may get prompted to save the file when you click on the link. If that's the case, follow the instructions on the screen and save it on your system. You should then be able to open it and print it out with your word processor.
Programme 6


Get the transcript

1.Ordering drinks in a café: Key language Key Language
Ordering drinks in a café
2.Ordering an aperitif:  
Ordering an aperitif: Key language Key Language

Buying food in a shop: Key language Key Language 

Buying clothes

Buying a pair of shoes: Key language Key Language


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